home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- /*
- krpano textfield plugin
- */
- package
- {
- import flash.display.*;
- import flash.events.*;
- import flash.system.*;
- import flash.net.*;
- import flash.filters.*;
- import flash.geom.*;
- import flash.text.*;
- import flash.utils.*;
- import flash.xml.*;
- import flash.ui.Mouse;
- import krpano_as3_interface;
- [SWF(width="400", height="300", backgroundColor="#000000")]
- public class textfield extends Sprite
- {
- // krpano as3 interface
- private var krpano:krpano_as3_interface = null;
- public var pluginpath : String = null;
- public var pluginobj : Object = null;
- public var bg : Shape = null;
- public var txt : TextField = null;
- public var txt_width : int = 400;
- public var txt_height : int = 300;
- public function textfield()
- {
- if (stage == null)
- {
- this.addEventListener(Event.ADDED_TO_STAGE, startplugin);
- this.addEventListener(Event.UNLOAD, stopplugin);
- }
- else
- {
- // direct startup - show version info
- stage.scaleMode = StageScaleMode.NO_SCALE;
- stage.align = StageAlign.TOP_LEFT;
- var txt:TextField = new TextField();
- txt.textColor = 0xFFFFFF;
- txt.selectable = false;
- txt.htmlText = "krpano " + "" + "\n\n" +
- "<b>textfield plugin</b>" + "\n\n" +
- "(build " + "CUSTOM" + ")";
- var f:TextFormat = new TextFormat();
- f.font = "_sans";
- f.size = 14;
- txt.autoSize = f.align = "center";
- txt.setTextFormat(f);
- addChild(txt);
- var resizefu:Function = function(event:Event):void
- {
- txt.x = (stage.stageWidth - txt.width)/2;
- txt.y = (stage.stageHeight - txt.height)/2;
- }
- stage.addEventListener(Event.RESIZE, resizefu);
- resizefu(null);
- }
- }
- private function startplugin(evt:Event):void
- {
- this.removeEventListener(Event.ADDED_TO_STAGE, startplugin);
- if (krpano == null)
- {
- // get krpano interface
- krpano = krpano_as3_interface.getInstance();
- if ( krpano.get("version") < "1.0.8" )
- {
- krpano.call("error(textfield plugin - wrong krpano version - min. 1.0.8 needed);");
- return;
- }
- // add krpano plugin listeners
- // register event to get the krpano name of the plugin
- krpano.addPluginEventListener(this, krpano_as3_interface.PLUGINEVENT_REGISTER, registerEvent);
- // resize event to set the size of the textfield
- krpano.addPluginEventListener(this, krpano_as3_interface.PLUGINEVENT_RESIZE, resizeEvent);
- krpano.addPluginEventListener(this, krpano_as3_interface.PLUGINEVENT_UPDATE, updateEvent);
- }
- }
- private function stopplugin(evt:Event):void
- {
- // remove textfield link event listener
- txt.removeEventListener(TextEvent.LINK, link_event);
- // remove krpano event listeners
- krpano.removePluginEventListener(this, krpano_as3_interface.PLUGINEVENT_REGISTER, registerEvent);
- krpano.removePluginEventListener(this, krpano_as3_interface.PLUGINEVENT_RESIZE, resizeEvent);
- krpano.removePluginEventListener(this, krpano_as3_interface.PLUGINEVENT_UPDATE, updateEvent);
- // remove all elements
- removeChild(bg);
- bg = null;
- removeChild(txt);
- txt = null;
- krpano = null;
- }
- private function registerEvent(evt:DataEvent):void
- {
- // register event - "evt.data" is the krpano xml name/path of the plugin (e.g. "plugin[txt1]" or "hotspot[textspot1]")
- pluginpath = evt.data;
- pluginobj = krpano.get(pluginpath); // get the whole krpano plugin object
- // register custom attributes with their default value (note - only lowercase attributes are possible!!!)
- pluginobj.registerattribute("html", "");
- pluginobj.registerattribute("css", "");
- pluginobj.registerattribute("autosize", "none");
- pluginobj.registerattribute("wordwrap", true);
- pluginobj.registerattribute("background", true);
- pluginobj.registerattribute("backgroundcolor", 0xFFFFFF);
- pluginobj.registerattribute("backgroundalpha", 1.0);
- pluginobj.registerattribute("border", false); // new in
- pluginobj.registerattribute("bordercolor", 0x000000);
- pluginobj.registerattribute("borderwidth", 1);
- pluginobj.registerattribute("roundedge", 0);
- pluginobj.registerattribute("selectable", true);
- pluginobj.registerattribute("glow", 0);
- pluginobj.registerattribute("glowcolor", 0xFFFFFF);
- pluginobj.registerattribute("blur", 0);
- pluginobj.registerattribute("shadow", 0);
- pluginobj.registerattribute("textglow", 0);
- pluginobj.registerattribute("textglowcolor", 0xFFFFFF);
- pluginobj.registerattribute("textblur", 0);
- pluginobj.registerattribute("textshadow", 0);
- // add custom functions / link a krpano xml function to a as3 function (note - the name of the xml function must be lowercase!!!)
- pluginobj.update = updateHTML;
- // create a background shape for the textfield
- bg = new Shape();
- // create the as3 textfield itself
- txt = new TextField();
- txt.htmlText = "";
- txt.multiline = true;
- txt.wordWrap = true;
- txt.border = false;
- txt.background = false;
- txt.condenseWhite = true;
- txt.width = txt_width;
- txt.height = txt_height;
- // textfield link event listener
- txt.addEventListener(TextEvent.LINK, link_event);
- // add background and textfield
- this.addChild(bg);
- this.addChild(txt);
- // update the style and content of the textfield
- updateSTYLE();
- updateHTML();
- }
- private function updateEvent(dataevent:DataEvent):void
- {
- // the update event sends the name of the changed attribute in the "dataevent.data" variable
- // do here a quick search for the changed attribute and call the corresponding update function
- var changedattribute:String = "." + String( dataevent.data ) + ".";
- const data_attributes :String = ".html.css.";
- const style_attributes:String = ".autosize.wordwrap.background.backgroundcolor.backgroundalpha.border.bordercolor.borderwidth.roundedge.selectable.glow.blur.shadow.textglow.textblur.textshadow.";
- if ( data_attributes.indexOf(changedattribute) >= 0 )
- {
- updateHTML();
- }
- else if ( style_attributes.indexOf(changedattribute) >= 0 )
- {
- updateSTYLE();
- }
- }
- private function resizeEvent(dataevent:DataEvent):void
- {
- var resizesize:String = dataevent.data; // size has the format WIDTHxHEIGHT
- var width :int;
- var height:int;
- width = parseInt(resizesize);
- height = parseInt(resizesize.slice(resizesize.indexOf("x")+1));
- // set the size of the textfield
- txt.width = width;
- txt.height = height;
- // save size
- txt_width = width;
- txt_height = height;
- // update background shape
- updateSTYLE();
- }
- private function link_event(textevent:TextEvent):void
- {
- // pass the text after the "event:" link to krpano
- krpano.call( textevent.text, null, pluginobj );
- }
- private function updateSTYLE():void
- {
- // pass the krpano parameters to the as3 textfield
- switch ( String( pluginobj.autosize ).toLowerCase() )
- {
- case "true":
- case "auto":
- case "left": txt.autoSize = "left";
- break;
- case "center": txt.autoSize = "center";
- break;
- case "right": txt.autoSize = "right";
- break;
- case "none":
- default: txt.autoSize = "none";
- break;
- }
- txt.wordWrap = pluginobj.wordwrap;
- txt.selectable = pluginobj.selectable;
- // update/draw the background shape
- bg.alpha = pluginobj.backgroundalpha;
- bg.graphics.clear();
- // draw a background and/or border?
- if (pluginobj.background || pluginobj.border)
- {
- if (pluginobj.borderwidth > 0)
- bg.graphics.lineStyle(pluginobj.borderwidth, pluginobj.bordercolor);
- if (pluginobj.background)
- bg.graphics.beginFill(pluginobj.backgroundcolor);
- if (pluginobj.roundedge <= 0)
- bg.graphics.drawRect(0,0,txt_width,txt_height);
- else
- bg.graphics.drawRoundRect(0,0,txt_width,txt_height, pluginobj.roundedge);
- }
- // create and apply filters for the background shape
- var filters:Array = new Array();
- if (pluginobj.glow > 0)
- {
- // glow = glowing range
- // glowcolor = color of the glowing
- filters.push( new GlowFilter(pluginobj.glowcolor, 1.0, pluginobj.glow,pluginobj.glow) );
- }
- if (pluginobj.blur > 0)
- {
- // blur = blur range
- filters.push( new BlurFilter(pluginobj.blur, pluginobj.blur) );
- }
- if (pluginobj.shadow > 0)
- {
- // shadow = shadow range
- filters.push( new DropShadowFilter(pluginobj.shadow) );
- }
- // set or remove the filters
- bg.filters = filters.length > 0 ? filters : null
- // create and apply filters for the text itself
- var textfilters:Array = new Array();
- if (pluginobj.textglow > 0)
- {
- // textglow = glowing range
- // textglowcolor = color of the glowing
- textfilters.push( new GlowFilter(pluginobj.textglowcolor, 1.0, pluginobj.textglow,pluginobj.textglow) );
- }
- if (pluginobj.textblur > 0)
- {
- // textblur = blur range
- textfilters.push( new BlurFilter(pluginobj.textblur, pluginobj.textblur) );
- }
- if (pluginobj.textshadow > 0)
- {
- // textshadow = shadow range
- textfilters.push( new DropShadowFilter(pluginobj.textshadow) );
- }
- // set or remove the filters
- txt.filters = textfilters.length > 0 ? textfilters : null
- }
- // string replace helper function
- private function str_replace( original:String, replace_with:String, replace:String ):String
- {
- var array:Array = original.split(replace_with);
- return array.join(replace);
- }
- private function updateHTML():void
- {
- var css:StyleSheet = new StyleSheet();
- var cssdata :String = pluginobj.css;
- var htmldata:String = pluginobj.html;
- if (cssdata == null || cssdata == "")
- {
- txt.styleSheet = null;
- }
- else
- {
- if (cssdata.indexOf("data:") == 0 )
- {
- // load the content of a <data> tag
- cssdata = krpano.get("data[" + cssdata.slice(5) + "].content");
- }
- else
- {
- // directly use the given css
- cssdata = unescape(cssdata);
- }
- css.parseCSS( cssdata );
- txt.styleSheet = css;
- }
- if (htmldata.indexOf("data:") == 0 )
- {
- // load the content of a <data> tag
- htmldata = krpano.get("data[" + htmldata.slice(5) + "].content");
- }
- else
- {
- // directly use the given html
- // (<> chars are not possible in a xml attribure, therefore provide the usage of [] instead)
- // replace '[' -> '<'
- htmldata = str_replace(htmldata,"[","<");
- // replace ']' -> '>'
- htmldata = str_replace(htmldata,"]",">");
- htmldata = unescape(htmldata);
- }
- if (htmldata == null)
- {
- htmldata = "";
- }
- txt.htmlText = htmldata;
- if (txt.autoSize != "none")
- {
- // the as3 textfield autosizing is used
- // save size
- txt_height = txt.height;
- //krpano.set(pluginpath + ".height", txt_height);
- pluginobj.height = txt_height;
- // the textfield unfortuntaly doesn't provide the right size immediately
- // therefore add a short delay to get the real size
- var updatetimer:Timer = new Timer(0.001,1);
- updatetimer.addEventListener("timer", updateSIZE);
- updatetimer.start();
- }
- // save the current text only height also to the xml as "textheight" variable
- //krpano.set(pluginpath + ".textheight", txt.textHeight);
- pluginobj.textheight = txt_height;
- }
- private function updateSIZE(te:TimerEvent=null):void
- {
- txt_height = txt.height;
- //krpano.set(pluginpath + ".height", txt_height);
- //krpano.set(pluginpath + ".textheight", txt.textHeight);
- // update the real textfield and text sizes in krpano
- pluginobj.height = txt_height;
- pluginobj.textheight = txt.textHeight;
- // update the background shape
- updateSTYLE();
- }
- }
- }